Sadaqah Jariyah - Endless Charity Endless Reward
Sadaqah Jariyah means ongoing charity and is a guaranteed recurring reward based upon good actions or deeds that keep on giving. Sadaqah in Arabic means ‘charity’ followed by Jariyah which means ‘ongoing’.
With the help of your generous Sadaqah Jariyah donations, SNFS Welfare Trust has helped needy and deserving side society individuals and families in Pakistan.
We have supported thousands of beneficiaries, distributed 1,000,000 food packs, sponsored 500 plus orphans and 1000 plus Hafiz children, helped 2000 disabled children to attend school and facilitated 1000 plus cataract surgeries. Over 100 individuals and families now have access to clean and drinking water.
Therefore, Sadaqah Jariyah donations can also be made in the name of a deceased person so it may continue to benefit them in the Hereafter.
Find out more about our Sadaqah Jariyah projects and reap their endless rewards like Hafiz sponsorship, Orphan sponsorship, water wells, and Cataract project.


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